Adamawa, FMC Yola Receive Awards For Schemes Targeting The Poor

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  • Adamawa, FMC Yola Receive Awards For Schemes Targeting The Poor

Lagos – The Adamawa State government and Prof. Auwal Abubakar, Chief Medical Director of Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Yola were given separate awards recently at the 5th Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Award (NHEA 2018) in Lagos.

Adamawa State received the Outstanding State Government Healthcare Programme of the Year Award for their active strides towards a Mandatory Health Insurance Scheme. The scheme implementation, which is supported by PharmAccess Foundation, is aimed at achieving a universal health coverage as well as promoting access to quality and affordable healthcare services.

A statement signed by Moses Braimah, Director of Communication, Marketing & Strategy, said that Prof. Auwal M. Abubakar, CMD FMC, Yola was given a Special Recognition Award for establishing the Hospital Paupers Fund.

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