Paelon memorial clinic wins NHEA SafeCare quality award

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  • Paelon memorial clinic wins NHEA SafeCare quality award

Paelon memorial clinic, a multi-specialty hospital has won the SafeCare facility of the year award in Nigeria. This award is one of the categories in the 5th Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Award (NHEA 2018) that focuses on SafeCare quality standards for healthcare facilities.

Paelon memorial clinic was established in May 2010. It has grown from an outpatient clinic to multispecialty, patient centred hospital with two locations in Lagos. In October 2016, it became the first hospital in Africa to be awarded the level 5 certification by SafeCare.

Speaking on the award, Unoma Grant, chief operating officer Paelon expressed the delight of the management and staff of the hospital and promised that standards will not only be maintained but improved upon.

“We will continue to introduce new programmes and services to make patients’ experience and treatment meet international standards at affordable cost,” said Grant.

In furtherance of this, Paelon recently established a fertility clinic as a joint venture with Lily Hospital.

“We introduced SafeCare facility of the year award in this 5th edition to emphasise the importance of quality certification and standardisation in Nigeria healthcare facilities. NHEA partnership with safecare is to ensure that our assessment follows internationally acceptable standards.” says Wale Alabi, NHEA project director.

The SafeCare standards are designed specifically to target health facilities in low- and middle-income countries. These facilities operate in challenging environments that are often defined by staffing shortages, resource-restrictions, and inadequate infrastructure.

A wide range of facilities can be assessed using the standards, including public, private, and not-for-profit facilities ranging from health shops, to basic and primary health centers, as well as district hospitals.

Ibironke Dada, program director SafeCare, PharmAccess foundation commended Paelon’s management and staff for their strong commitment towards improving healthcare quality and patient safety.

“Although, the Nigeria office is delighted to record the first SafeCare Level 5 health facility in Africa; this is just one facility in a country with over 30,000 health facilities. We are cognisant of this huge gap and will continue to work with government, regulators and health facilities to design quality improvement interventions as well as measure and benchmark the quality of health care,” stated Dada.

NHEA is organised by Global Health Project and Resources in collaboration with Anadach Group, USA.


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