Healthcare Delivery Services

Healthcare Delivery Services

The award is open for companies and organization who must have a consistent history of contribution (meant for an entire body of work, not just a single achievement) over and above the call of duty throughout their career and also must have contributed throughout their lifetime to the development of the health sector.

Open to healthcare providers registered in Nigeria.

The hospitals must have consistently gone beyond their core mission of providing essential healthcare services and generously give back to the communities they serve – through education, screenings and free care.


A. Leadership:

Examines how leaders’ personal actions guide and sustain the organization. It also examines the organization’s governance system and how the organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

B. Customer Focus (aka patient centered clinical medicine):

This category examines how the organization engages its patients and stakeholders for long-term marketplace success. This includes how the organization listens to the voice of its customers (their patients and stakeholder builds customer relationships, and uses customer information to improve and identify opportunities for innovation.

C. Model of care:

The models of patient care used by such facility in the following areas (admission, assessment, treatment, discharge and transfer, end of life care.

D. Workforce Focus:

Examines the ability to assess workforce capability and capacity needs and build a workforce environment conducive to high performance. The category also examines how the organization engages, manages, and develops their workforce to utilize its full potential in alignment with its overall mission, strategy, and action plans.

Open to private laboratory service providers in Nigeria.


A. Leadership:

Examines how leaders’ personal actions guide and sustain the organization. It also examines the organization’s governance system and how the organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

B. Customer Focus (patient-centered clinical medicine):

This category examines how the organization engages its patients and stakeholders for long-term marketplace success. This includes how the organization listens to the voice of its customers (their patients and stakeholder builds customer relationships, and uses customer information to improve and identify opportunities for innovation.

C. Model of care:

The models of patient care used by such facility in the following areas (admission, assessment, treatment, discharge and transfer, end of life care.

D. Workforce Focus:

Examines the ability to assess workforce capability and capacity needs and build a workforce environment conducive to high performance. The category also examines how the organization engages, manages, and develops their workforce to utilize its full potential in alignment with its overall mission, strategy, and action plans.

Open to radiologic service providers (diagnostic or interventional) in Nigeria.

There will be public and private subcategory for this award.


A. Leadership:

Examines how leaders’ personal actions guide and sustain the organization. It also examines the organization’s governance system and how the organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

B. Customer Focus:

This category examines how the organization engages its patients and stakeholders for long-term marketplace success. This includes how the organization listens to the voice of its customers (their patients and stakeholder builds customer relationships, and uses customer information to improve and identify opportunities for innovation.

C. Impact:

The impact of such facility in aiding and advancing patient care.

D. International quality certifications:

This will examine the status of such radiologic service providers in line with international best practices. It will also be judged on its rating internationally by quality industry standards.

Open to health maintenance organizations in Nigeria.

The HMO must have consistently gone beyond their core mission of providing essential healthcare insurance services and generously give back to the communities they serve – through education, screenings and innovative measures to improve access to quality healthcare. They must be seen to be committed to the triad of Universal health coverage viz reducing the amount of out of pocket spending, increasing the nature of covered cases and the total number of the population covered.


A. Leadership:

Examines how leaders’ personal actions guide and sustain the organization. It also examines the organization’s governance system and how the organization fulfills its legal, ethical, and societal responsibilities and supports its key communities.

B. Impact:

The impact of this organization on reducing the burden of out of pocket expenses while seeking healthcare services.

C. Operations focus:

Examines how the organization designs, manages, and improves its work systems and work processes to deliver patient and stakeholder value and achieve organizational success and sustainability.

D. Annual performance:

This focuses on the number of new enrollees, new health financing packages, gross profit before taxation etc

Open to health service and health support service providers in Nigeria.


A. Impact:

The impact of such innovation in improving the course of healthcare delivery.

B. Sustainability:

Such innovation should be sustainable by all economic parameter

Open: to primary and secondary healthcare service providers both public and private in Nigeria.

Parameters: The award measures thirteen(13) service areas:

  1. governance and management
  2. human resource management
  3. patients and family rights and access to care
  4. management of information
  5. risk management
  6. primary healthcare services(inpatient)
  7. Outpatient care
  8. surgery and anesthesia services
  9. laboratory services
  10. diagnostic imaging services
  11. medication management
  12. facility management services
  13. support services.

Compliance with these standards is rated and recognized in a stepwise manner from level 1(very modest quality strength) to level 5(continuous quality improvement systems).

The Award
Open to healthcare providers that have undergone a SafeCare assessment, actively registered and have maintained a visible and verifiable step-wise approach towards quality improvement in their facilities.


A. Impact:

The health facility improved with an overall score by at least 10% from previous assessment and the quality improvement is across all the service area which stakeholders can attest to.

B. Achievement:

The health facility has achieved SafeCare level 4 and above during its last assessment and sustained it.

Open: to primary and secondary healthcare service providers both public and private in Nigeria.

Parameters: The award measures thirteen(13) service areas:

  1. governance and management
  2. human resource management
  3. patients and family rights and access to care
  4. management of information
  5. risk management
  6. primary healthcare services(inpatient)
  7. Outpatient care
  8. surgery and anesthesia services
  9. laboratory services
  10. diagnostic imaging services
  11. medication management
  12. facility management services
  13. support services.

Compliance with these standards is rated and recognized in a stepwise manner from level 1(very modest quality strength) to level 5(continuous quality improvement systems).

The Award
Open to healthcare providers that have undergone a SafeCare assessment, actively registered and have maintained a visible and verifiable step-wise approach towards quality improvement in their facilities.


A. Impact:

The health facility improved with an overall score by at least 10% from previous assessment and the quality improvement is across all the service area which stakeholders can attest to.

B. Achievement:

The health facility has achieved SafeCare level 4 and above during its last assessment and sustained it.

Open to IVF providers within Nigeria private or public.

Must have been in operation for a minimum of two years.


A. Intimacy and care Leadership:

The award is granted to clinics that are distinguished in the market by their practices providing patients with a sense of security and intimacy, especially in the scope of  (a) a wide offer concerning psychological care, and/or (b) consultants and doctors’ support throughout the whole therapy, and/or (c) implementing solutions (spatial and organizational) that guarantee patients confidentiality, full protection of personal data, a possibility of an unconstrained talk about the treatment process and any concerns that appear on the way, and/or (d) other ways of taking care of their patients.

B. Personalized Treatment

Must be able to exceptionally customize diagnostics and treatment process (a) taking into consideration patients’ special needs related to their treatment process organization (including tests and doctor’s appointments, etc.) (b) Providing them with access to complex care, including a possibility to undergo various tests and to consult a wide array of specialists from various fields (c) introducing rules and code of conduct depending on the couples’ situation, aiming at increasing the treatment efficiency.

C. Customer Service & Communications

Must be able to distinguish themselves in the market with respect to their (a) exceptional service standards (b) additional services aiming at increasing patients’ comfort, (c) versatile ways of communication increasing access to information and support, (d) implementation of facilities that increase couples’ satisfaction level, especially abroad patients.

D. Innovation

Must be able to distinguish themselves in the market by their (a) innovative investment activities (infrastructure, new IT or communication solutions, etc.) (b) original services and products implementation (new or significantly enhanced) (c) original ways of communication with patients and creative marketing methods, (d) successful research and development projects or new diagnostic and treatment methods implementation (e) other innovative approaches.

E. Success rate

Open to dialysis service providers in Nigeria private or public.

Must have been in operation for a minimum of two years.

  1. Number of successful procedures annually.
  2. Catheter related blood stream infection rate: The facility should have in place measures to prevent catheter infections.
  3. Customer service and communication.
  4. Documentation and research.

Open to eye care service providers in Nigeria public or private.

Must have been in operation for over 2 years.

  1. Communication and customer service.
  2. Innovation.
  3. Appropriate Use of technology.
  4. Market penetration.
  5. Specialist eye care services/ procedures.
  6. Passionate about eye care in the vulnerable group (children, aged, diseased, handicap etc).
  7. Any ISO or similar certification, waste management protocols, facilities/ equipment management that can stand you apart.

Open to dental and oral health service providers in Nigeria.

Must have been in operation for over 2 years.

  1. Customer service and communication.
  2. Use of cutting edge technology.
  3. Best in class.
  4. Any ISO or similar certification, waste management protocols, facilities/ equipment management that can stand you apart.
  5. Fresh thinking, creative ideas that have added value in the Dental Profession. Translation of such ideas could be in the form of new improved products, services, education, process, systems, devices or social interactions.
  6. Provision of specialist dental or oral health care.
 Entry Criteria
  1. Established and providing services for more than 12 months.
  2. Accredited by relevant federal and state health authorities.
  3. Providing two of either Medical, Radiological or Surgical oncology services to the public.
  4. Provision of the number of oncology/cancer patients attended to between July 2021 – March 2022.
  1. High patient volume above 100 patients per month.
  2. Externally assessed quality of patient delivery.
  3. Facility possesses an international certification of clinical quality.
  4. Facility provides a wide range of services delivered (medical/surgical/radiological) at least 2/3 services.
  5. Existence of CSR and other pro-poor services.
  6. Have an established and functioning palliative care and end of life care system

Open to physiotherapy service providers in Nigeria.

  1. Promoting activity and healthy lifestyle.
  2. Demonstrating integration of health and social care.
  3. Clear use of data to measure and evaluate outcome.
  4. Good use of communication and information technology.
  5. Appropriate use of research and evidence.
  6. Improved clinical outcomes for patients.

Given to a nurse, a nursing organisation or home
Demonstrable love for the nursing profession should be evidently displayed.

The need to showcase the level of community work carried out, involvement with both national and international healthcare organisations. Adherence to international best practices.


We invite you to show your creativity, innovation, impact and contribution in Healthcare in Nigeria.

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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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