NHEA 2017: Prof. Akinsete, Mazi Ohuabunwa To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

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  • NHEA 2017: Prof. Akinsete, Mazi Ohuabunwa To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

Professor (Mrs.) Ibironke Akinsete and Pharm (Mazi) Sam Ohuabunwa are to be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Awards at the Nigerian Healthcare Excellence Award (NHEA 2017) in Lagos, come Friday, June 23, 2017.

The award ceremony will take place at a grand ballroom event in Eko Hotel & Suites, Lagos in the presence of key stakeholders in the healthcare sector.

Speaking on the recognitions, Dr. Wale Alabi, NHEA project director stated “We are proud of these Nigerians because of their excellent contributions to good health and wellbeing of the people of this country. They are champions who have distinguished themselves.”

Professor Akinsete is a Haematologist and an expert in women’s health. She graduated from the University of Lagos, College of Medicine with a specialization in Haematology and Blood transfusion. Her academic and professional qualifications include: M.A.C.H.B (Aberdeen, 1963), M.D (Aberdeen, 1972), F.M.C (Path 1978), FWACP (1986) and FAS (2006). Professor of Haematology and Transfusion at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos from 1989 until 2003. She served as Pioneer Chairman of the National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA).

Professor Akinsete is a member of the National Medical Association (NMA), British Medical Association, Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria (Former President), International Society for Haematologist and Blood Transfusion, Nigerian Society of Haematology and Blood Transfusion (Former President), Nigerian Cancer Society (Former President), International Society for Blood Transfusion, African Society for Blood Transfusion, National Expert committee on AIDS, West African college of Physicians & National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.

Read more at: http://www.pharmanewsonline.com/nhea-2017-prof-akinsete-mazi-ohuabunwa-to-recieve-lifetime-achievement-award/

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