PathCare, Akinsete shine at NHEA 2017

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  • PathCare, Akinsete shine at NHEA 2017

AWARD: From left; Chairman, Board of Directors, PathCare Laboratories, Prof. Ibironke Akinsete, handing over the award to the PathCare’s Executive Director, Dr. Tolulope Adewole while Ms Adeoluwatomi Oni, Head of Corporate Affairs and others look on during the NHEA Awards last week. The Chairman, PathCare Board of Directors, Prof. Ibironke Akinsete,    also received the 2017 NHEA Lifetime Achievements Award, in recognition of her distinguished career and passionate commitment to excellence and quality healthcare, especially in the areas of women and AIDS. The NHEA, a.k.a the “Oscars” equivalent of the Nigerian Healthcare recognition, is presented by Global Health, as the leading Nigerian Healthcare award honouring excellence, innovation and qualitative improvement in Nigeria healthcare system. In a reaction, Akinsete said the awards were a call for further commitment to service. “There is always a huge responsibility on you when you are spotted and called out in every sphere of life but the health care system is unique for the kind of role the health care practitioners plays in general wellbeing of human endeavour.

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