Lagoon Hospital Wins 2017 Private Healthcare Provider Award.

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One of the Nigeria’s leading healthcare facility, Lagoon Hospitals, has been named the ‘2017 Private Healthcare Provider of the Year,’ a recognition the hospital received for its focus on quality and clinical excellence in healthcare.

Contending with seven other hospitals nationwide, the 2017 award was presented to Lagoon Hospitals by the Nigeria Healthcare Excellence Award (NHEA), an annual event which celebrates distinguished personalities and organisations who have contributed immensely to the growth of the Nigerian health sector.

The award won by Lagoon Hospitals was determined by an independent jury team, votes from the e-voting platform, and the final decision of the Advisory Committee of NHEA.

Lagoon Hospitals is the pioneer of advanced medical care in Nigeria, providing a range of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare services.

Constantly providing comprehensive solutions to all healthcare problems, Lagoon has established itself in the delivery of service excellence in the medical field, with all departments supported by the latest technology and state of the art medical equipment.

A key principle of Lagoon Hospitals is that it centres on innovation and qualitative healthcare. Driven by this principle, Lagoon Hospitals strives to provide the best standards of patient care, which has led to the development of unique specialties across medical disciplines, within the Lagoon Hospitals Group.

The CEO of Lagoon Hospitals, Mr. Rajeev Bhandari, commented “We are delighted to have received such a renowned industry award. Our vision has always been for Lagoon Hospitals to become the most respected healthcare service provider in Nigeria. This award symbolises that that vision is being achieved. For us, there is no limit we will go to ensure Nigerians receive the highest quality care they deserve, hence stemming the high medical tourism from Nigeria to other countries. The award is also a testimonial of our commitment towards providing quality healthcare services and clinical excellence in Nigeria”.

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